Yo, just a quick update on the progress of the shop...
Our stickers are scheduled to arrive within the next few days, let us know if you want some! They're free for you, we just appreciate any help getting our name out there. Like us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Shaf-Board/222296297833418 (if you haven't already) and send your address to cary@shafboard,com...we'll get them to you asap via usps. Stick them everywhere!
The final piece we need to complete the boards arrives tomorrow. This means the first board will officially be created and will be ready to ride by this time next week. So exciting! Our goal is to be able to test the board by Satuday the 28th (our future pro snowboarder Carson's 1st birthday) at Seven Springs here in PA. We will be sure to let you know how it goes.
Also, we are working on our official website http://www.shafboard.com/, it's still waay under construction but take a look anyway.
Thanks everyone, all of your support is much appreciated!