

Latest listenings at the Shaf Board shop:

The Japanese Popstars: shells of silver
Little Hurricane: crocodile tears
Sleeper Agent: get it daddy
Gardens & Villa: black hills
Dom ft. Emma: some boys


denver blue.

Little preview of the blue in the latest board being created.


laid back (with my mind on the snow and the snow on my mind)

Hey yinz, been a minute since our last post but only because we have been hard at work planning and creating. We ordered and received some excellent materials to try new designs/colors, very stoked about this. Pics to come soon. (wait till you see the colors..awesome. One blue is so vibrant it reminds me of the sky above the mountains in Denver)

As a little side post, we decided to try to go about explaining WHY we are doing this, dropping everything and taking a risk on this hair brained idea. This is for everyone that has ever worked for "the Man" or has found themselves spacing out at work on a screensaver of snowy peaks counting the days until your winter vacation or the first snow fall. We are doing this for you and want to be a part of making it easier to get out there. Out of the florescent lit office, away from phones, emails, pressures of everyday living and into the sun and snow. No bills to pay, no errands to run, no one telling you what to do or where to be. The only decisions to make are: which trail to drop in on next, what playlist to listen to, to bomb it or carve it, and when to head to the lodge to get a hot chocolate/beer.

Being on the mountain is all about the fresh air, the beautiful views, hanging with your friends, laughing, falling on your ass and getting right back up and trying again. I don't know about you, but there are not many things in our lives these days that we can say we are motivated to work hard at, perfect our skills at, and most of all to be proud of how far we've come with practice.

This is what we're about and we want you to love it too.
Give us some feedback if you have any.

Last question...have you ever called out sick to go snowboarding?

Yes? So have we.

No? Buy a Shafboard and make sure you have sick time.